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Interview with Jon Ayes (@Inazuma11pics)

(Sorry if this translation isn't the best, the original interview was in Spanish, but many people from Ayes community speaks English, so we decided to translate it)

After a few weeks of activity on the web, we have finally been able to make our first interview, and it was to the Twitter account "Inazuma Eleven Perfect Pics" (@Inazuma11pics) administrator, Jon Ayes.

Ayes publishes and manages all content on this "unofficial" account from the animated series Inazuma Eleven. His most recognizable work is to upload images of the chapters in order of appearance, recreating the original anime story through the best pics.

We have talked with him through the "Discord" platform, and after a small friendly chat, we started directly with the questions:

Q: Congratulations, the past November 5th the account reached a year

A: Thanks. It has been a year in wich I have not stopped a single day uploading pics. There were times when it was difficult, because it's not easy to combine it with my classes. I had a complicated schedule, sometimes I went on a trip and did not have internet ... I had to find solutions by myself. And also, months ago there wasn't the option to schedule tweets.

Q: Who's behind Inazuma Eleven Perfect Pics?

A: I'm Jon Ayestarán, I live in the Basque Country and I'm an Inazuma Eleven fan since the series started airing in Spain. Only a boy who likes to upload pics of his favourite anime.

Q: What does Inazuma Eleven mean to you?

A: It's my favourite anime by far, and I really like many others, but I have lived a lot with it… I remember the first time I watched it. It was in my previous house, in an old TV. Even before the first chapter was issued, on "Boing" (Spanish TV channel) the next series in the channel were announced, and when I saw the Inazuma Eleven ad with the "Inazuma-1" scene I said “OMG that's amazing!

From there on I started to watch it on TV, next in Youtube... And I think I may have watched it about 30 times.

"I may have watched it about 30 times"

Q: The full series?

A: No, no. Only the three original seasons. But I could have seen the rest about 5 or 10 times.

Q: How did you come up with the idea of the account?

A: It was a week when I was doing another rewatch of the series and I was uploading a lot of pics in my personal account. The problem was that I didn't want to saturate that account, because many people there didn't like it. In that point I thought to create a 100% dedicate to Inazuma account. First, I uploaded only the pics I liked, but later I started to upload with a chronological order. It seemed like I was telling the story and people loved it.

Q: How do you get your pics?

A: I have a folder with all the chapters in 720p. I choose each of theme and render in Adobe After Effects to get each frame. This way I can get the pics I want with precision without having to make screenshots. For this reason they are “Perfect Pics” [laughing]

Q: It's still soon, but at some point you will run out of pics. What will you do next?

A: I have been thinking it a lot. The day I finish with the anime pics, I will start uploading screenshots of the game, the manga, or any other type of content, but always related to Inazuma Eleven. But I have to say that I believe the account will die before that happens.

Q: Do you have a daily routine to upload content?

A: I have an established schedule that I try to accomplsh, but it is not always possible. I upload the first pic at 12:30 or 14:00, depending on the time I get up; then at 4:00 p.m., at 7:00 p.m., at 10:00 p.m.; and finally at 23:00. That last pic is usually more special, the best moment of the chapter or a meme or something like that. And during the weekend I choose the good pictures to upload.

Q: Is the account doing well?

A: It has had its ups and downs, there have been better moments, for example, when I reach 3000 followers in barely 3 months. Right now I keep rising little by little, but I know Inazuma Eleven is not the most famoust anime, and the audience is not so large. To sum up, I think the account is doing well, but I don't know if it will reach a lot of more people.

Q: Do you think at some point brands will start contacting you?

A: Yes, I have thought about it. In Spain, at least, the one running every Inazuma stuff is Arait Multimedia, who recently uploaded the chapters to its website, but I have no confidence they will contact me. The only possibility I see is that the license went to Selecta Vision. But I do not trust much.

Q: Aren't you afraid that some company could kill your account due to copyright issues?

A: Yes, of course I thouhgt about it. I'm not so concerned about Arait Media or the Inazuma account in Spain, but about the official Japanese Inazuma Eleven account. I am uploading photos like many other ones, I do not upload the full chapters or anything like that. But of course I'm afraid.

A: What do you think about "Oliver y Benji" (Captain Tsubasa)?

A: Oh sh*t! Next questiong [laughing]. When I was young, I knew it was airing on TV but never got my attention, so I didn't see it. When it returned a couple of years ago whit its remake, I chose to give it an opportunity, because I like football, but in the end I didn't like it. I dropped in 20 chapters. It's too different from Inazuma Eleven.

Q: From outside we notice a charming community. Have you ever had hate?

A: Not much really, the community is calm. Sometimes there have been an annoying comment or people complain about my pics when they don't fit perfect. Although they didn't say with bad intentions, it's something I do with my best wishes and I don't like they only complain about it. But it is not the common thing.

Q: Did you expect the account to be as successful as it is?

A: Not at all. I haven't done the account to achieve fame or anything like that, in fact I don't even know how it came. I am deeply into the Inazuma world, and I have met a lot of people, they liked the content and shared it more. But I know people with accounts very similar to mine, but from other animes, from which I have learned a lot and who are not as well recognized. It sometimes shocks me. I made the account mainly for myself, to save the images. I started uploading content daily and it has become what it is now.

Q: Do you get along with accounts with similar content?

A: In general, the entire Inazuma community gets along well, many people are dedicated to uploading photos of the series, but not in the same way as me. I think I am the only one with this type of format. Sometimes we speak via DM (direct message), we interact ...

Q: You played a lot Inazuma Eleven SD. You were even in a league

A: Yes, I loved that game and I have spent many hours. Unfortunately the game closed on December 1st. The truth is that I expected it, because since July it has been quite dead, but it hurt because I played a lot.

About the league, I did very well, in fact I won. But of course, I was the one who spent more hours. There were a couple of rivals that made it difficult for me, but it really wasn't too difficult in the end. Not because the others weren't good players, there was a good level, but I dedicated a lot of my time to play.

Q: Any other anime you like and want to share with us?

A: I don't consider myself a great otaku, I've seen quite a few series but I know people who have seen many more. Still, if I have to say my top 3 would be Inazuma, One Piece, and Hunter x Hunter. They are the ones that have marked me the most. I also really like Shingeki no Kyojin, Shokugeki no Sôma, Naruto...


After the questions, we talk a while, shared opinions and then, say goodbye.

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